Where do you practice?
I currently split my time between Nova Southeastern University (NSU) and Delray Medical Center.
Tell us about your practice.
At NSU, I am adjunct faculty in the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences, and the lead physical therapist in the Center for Collaborative Research and Neuroscience Institute's ALS clinic. Here I work collaboratively with a multidisciplinary ALS clinic team working to develop novel rehabilitation interventions, identify reliable and valid screening tools, and clinically provide support to our patients with ALS (pALS). I also offer a wheelchair clinic for our pALS, where I work closely with our medical director, nurse practitioner and assistive technology specialist to provide a comprehensive and individualized mobility evaluation to provide independence for mobility and positioning needs.
At Delray Medical Center, I mentor post-doctorate physical therapy residents within the field of neurologic physical therapy. Here I am able to provide physical therapy services within the acute care, inpatient rehabilitation and outpatient rehabilitative settings. I am able to see a variety of neurologic diagnoses throughout the continuum of the disease process, which facilitates a great learning experience for both me and my residents.
What led you to become a physical therapist?
When I was 10 years old, my Grandpa had a stroke. We would visit him on our trips to Connecticut and spend hours at his nursing home. I remember pushing him around in his wheelchair and watching my dad (who is also a physical therapist) work with him. I remember thinking, "I can do this." I wanted to be the person that helped him walk again. Ever since that day I have been focused on the field of neurologic physical therapy.
What’s your favorite thing about being a PT?
As a PT, I believe we are placed in a unique setting with our patients. We are the individuals that provide hope after a life changing event or diagnosis. It is a privilege to be able to apply our didactic knowledge, clinical skills and sprinkle in technology in order to help someone restore once lost function or compensate for mobility that may not return. We improve their quality of life and THAT is what makes this profession amazing.
